ATOM Methodology
Developed by practitioners for practitioners, ATOM is a practical methodology for managing risk on projects that addresses both downside (threat) and upside (opportunity) risks. It is not a theoretical framework, not a set of principles, and not a standard. Project risk management with ATOM is accessible to all, simple to use, and scaleable for any project in any organisation or industry type.
The ATOM Methodology is described in detail in the award-winning book Practical Project Risk Management: The ATOM Methodology by David Hillson and Peter Simon. The book offers full “How to” guidelines for implementing the ATOM Methodology on your project.
ATOM Services
We also offer a range of expert services for anyone wanting to implement ATOM in practice. This includes a range of training events at different levels, plus consultancy engagements that can include development of a tailored ATOM process for your organisation, or support in using ATOM on your project.